# Organizations

​ Global organization registry allows integrating parties to find each other and create integration workspaces.

# Data Model

All entities used for this API follow canonical Entity Envelope data format. Below is the organization entity body schema.

Field Type Description
name string Organization name. The names must be globally unique, but don't have to represent a legal entity (e.g. each geographical office might have its own Bridge organization). Each Navarik client can own as many Bridge organizations as they wish.
audience UUID Reference to the organization owner's Navarik ID tenant.
category null, "shipper", "inspector" Organization type. Used to search partner organizations.

# Example Body

    "name": "Client Inc.",
    "audience": "dda36141-f723-4f01-a6b3-876d3eadc6fe",
    "category": "shipper"

# Search Organizations

GET /v2/organizations

# Query parameters

​Parameter Description Type Required Default
limit Maximum number of records to return integer no 25
offset The number of records to skip integer no 0
sort List of comma-separated ordering criteria string: field:asc|desc no "created_at:desc, id:asc"
name Organization name or its part, case-insensitive string no
category Organization category string: shipper or inspector or none no

# Request body


# Response

An array of entity envelopes with the type set to navarik.bridge.organization and the body formatted to the organization model.

# Create Organization

POST /v2/organizations

# Query parameters


# Request body

See data model

# Response

A single entity envelope with the type set to navarik.bridge.organization and the body formatted to the organization model.

# Get Organization by ID

Retrieves the details of an existing organization. You only need to supply the unique organization identifier that was returned upon organization creation.

GET /v2/organizations/{organization_id}

# Request parameters

Parameter Description Type Required Default
organization_id Bridge organization ID UUID yes

# Request body


# Response

A single entity envelope with the type set to navarik.bridge.organization and the body formatted to the organization model.

# Update Organization

Updates the specified organization by setting the values of the parameters passed. Any parameters not provided will be left unchanged.

PATCH /v2/organizations/{organization_id}

# Request parameters

Parameter Description Type Required Default
organization_id Bridge organization ID UUID yes

# Request body

Parameter Description Type Required Default
body Changes to the entity body object yes
body.name Organization name string no

Note: audience value is automatically attached and cannot be updated.

# Response

A single entity envelope with the type set to navarik.bridge.organization and the body formatted to the organization model.

# Delete Organization

Permanently deletes a Bridge organization. It cannot be undone.

DELETE /v2/organizations/{organization_id}

# Request parameters

Parameter Description Type Required Default
organization_id Bridge organization ID UUID yes

# Request body


# Response

The latest known version of deleted organization as a single entity envelope with the type set to navarik.bridge.organization and the body formatted to the organization model.